Please fill out the form below so we know you’ll be joining us. We’ll send the calendar invite for the fall 2024 class based on your responses.

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This helps us know what time it is, and some parts of this course talk about places
Have you done a language class on zoom (or another video platform) before
Do you want to complete additional assignments in order to earn college credit? We will contact you about the cost and requirements if yes.
All classes are recorded, so by joining the class, you agree to be recorded. We sometimes use short clips of the class recordings to help other language teachers learn new techniques or see the power of immersion. It is possible, but difficult, to remove individuals from a recording. We would appreciate your permission to use clips of the course that may include moments of your voice, image, or name. You can always contact with changes.
It's important that no one be left confused in the course, and that no one be bored because they aren't challenged. To help us avoid both, please complete this audio challenge as much as you can so that we have a gauge of what you already know and where to start back up.
I understand that I may be excluded from this course if the team feels that I would best benefit from a more advanced offering